Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend Wonders...

This weekend was another fun summer weekend! Saturday during the earlier part of they day we just lounged around the house, played, and watched movies. This was a first because we are usually running errands or doing something work related. Later in the day we went over to a friend's house warming party, which was loads of fun for my lil man. He was the only kid there, but he still managed to have a BLAST. He was dancing to the music and playing outside with his toys. Super cute! Though, you will just have to take my word for it as I didn't bring my camera.

Sunday we spent the day at the beach... I <3 the water! I seriously do. I grew up in Miami and practically spent all my free time near the water. There is just something so soothing and calming about the water! I want my son to have the same feelings towards the water as I do. When summertime is here I try to spend as much time on or near the water as I can. Pretty much every weekend we spend at least one day at the beach.

Normally, we head to the beach in the morning and leave in the late afternoon! The beach we went to this past weekend also has a playground on the beach... how cool is that?!? Anthony had a blast going from the water to the playground... mommy on the other hand was T.I.R.E.D. by the time we got home, LOL. I should have napped when Anthony did at the beach...

Here are some pics of him napping (PS sorry about the quality, they are from my phone)...

What do you like most about summer?


zealandsmom said...

he looks SO big on that blanket! And with a binky??? Silly boy!

Heliotropism said...

He loves that binky... esp. now that his 2 yr molars are coming in. He is big! He is HUGE!!!

Quote of the Day